I finished my first novel in 2008. Lawrence Block once said that when he started writing, you had to be rejected by 25 publishers before you got accepted; now there aren’t 25 publishers. Like many aspiring writers, I couldn’t find a publisher.
So I published it myself. In the process, I learned the art of formatting, editing, and publishing in the post-modern world. And I founded Alma James Publishing. The name comes from my wife’s middle name, and mine.
I’ve since published seven more of my own novels, released my first nonfiction book, edited non-fiction for scholarly writers, and formatted and published coffee-table books for a photographer/poet.
I still write. I have more novels books in progress.
And I offer my services to others who want to publish their books. I know the frustration of having a good story but not being able to put it in front of readers.
I’m here to help. I’ll answer questions, provide suggestions, and share my experience at every step of the process.
If you’re a writer wanting to publish, contact me.